Bonnet & Clyde delves into the exploration of black love and comfort, where distinct individuals with their unique life experiences, values, and identities unite in a harmonious fusion while preserving their individuality. This journey of togetherness entails sacrifices but not at the cost of relinquishing one's personal experiences and values. Through the highs and lows of life, they navigate this shared path as individuals walking side by side.
I initially ventured into this artistic concept in 2017, during the early stages of my art career. This endeavor led to a remarkable moment when a Twitter post I shared went viral, amassing an impressive 20,000 retweets and over 2 million impressions. Back then, my artistic skills were a work in progress. However, six years later, I decided to revisit this concept, this time with a refined skill set that met my own standards. The question lingered: Could I do it again? My commitment to creativity and my insight into the human experience led me to believe that this concept still resonated. And the outcome? We achieved yet another viral post, garnering 10,000 likes and an astounding 500,000 impressions within a mere 36 hours.